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People who say things like "billionaires are human too" or "acab is discrimination" tend to conflate having innate traits and what they actually do.

Sure musk is human, but he's also a nazi and unapologetically built his wealth on the suffering of others. Sure cops are human, but they also enforce and protect (violently) the most oppressive institutions we suffer from.

My respect for all life only go so far. Fuck them.

me: okay the redesign’s finally done, almost time to relaunch my unions book

also me: okay but what if you add a new chapter at the end and it’s just one page with

Your stance on genAI needs to factor into your decisions on whether or not to bridge/federate to Threads.

"We expect these AIs to actually, over time, exist on our platforms, kind of in the same way that accounts do. They'll have bios and profile pictures and be able to generate and share content powered by AI on the platform."

Meta says their AI tool has already created hundreds of thousands of AI characters.

@droidboy Oh so many reasons why:

- Purport to protect privacy while existing due to half a billion dollars a year from Google.

- Jump on every fucking Silicon Valley bandwagon/grift from cryptocurrency to Metaverse to AI (to their credit, they skipped NFTs afaik)

- For being a not for profit that owns a for-profit and paying their CEO $7M while having the audacity to hit people up for donations.

Or, as their then head of public policy once told me at a conference we were both speaking at while asking me to go easy on them: “I don’t understand why you’re holding us to such a higher standard; we’re just another Silicon Valley tech company.”

It’s true. But that’s not what you tell people, is it, Mozilla?

(And there’s no such as “trustworthy AI” — at least insofar as LLMs are concerned. These are statistically plausible bullshit generators.)

I hate weather sites. Most are full of ads and take 30-60 seconds to just show "rain this afternoon". Can I walk at 12? 2? Load another page to read an hourly numbers table. So anyway, my 2024 Christmas break project: load in ~1s and graphically see when the cold front hits. Simple, but shows more, faster, higher-res, and more interactively than the NWS graph while using their API's. Oh and dark mode.

The fact that people think, a single united states president is a good person. Completely baffles me.

Oh yeah king imperialist slave colony, he is a good guy.

I find this "religion and scularism don't exist" ring true more and more for me as I try to de-colonize my mind and my Judaism.

Christianized (maybe I just made up this word?) people ask me about Judaism (or Jewish people) using a framework that simply doesn't apply outside of their world view.

They ask about Jewish clothing style (e.g. kippah, tzitzis) as if their sense of aesthetic beauty was somehow not almost entirely informed by notions of beauty, shape, harmony, and goodness as codified by Christian hegemony while driving the development of art and science. Somehow when "secular Jews" do Jewish "religious" stuff, it's ritual or religion, but when Christian(ized people) root their behavior in Christian ideals, it's just normal, secular, rational, objective.

I don't give a shit if there are "internet laws" LIE and protect marginalized workers you boot licker

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techbros aren't a queer problem btw

they're an everyone problem

just do to minority sizes, their impact on disabled folks & women is probably the most immediately obvious

while i’m in the spotlight, i run, a source code sharing/collaboration platform used by over a thousand users, and its sister site, providing free static site hosting for repos- and i’m far from done making things :) try them out!

i think

people don't understand

there's tech gays

and gay tech

one is assimilationist af and tries to speak techbro but gay

and the other is trying to figure out how to make catgirls real and somehow in doing so built that package that did the thing you exactly need for the other thing that now everyone uses

too few people talking about AI's role in certain genocides happening in certain parts of the world

I so want heirloom consumer electronics to become a common thing.
Fridges and freezers that are 75 years old, and have run continuously.
Washing machines that outlive their owners.
Even modern devices, like phones or computers, that become family heirlooms, passed down from parent to child.
And I want the people that manufacture and repair these machines to be as respected as lawyers or doctors. Artisan electricians and repair men.

38c3, electricity consumption 

So. To give you an idea of the energy consumption, the whole #38c3 (for the 17k people for 4 days) consumed as much energy as.... 5 bitcoin transactions. It's not me who says it, it's the C3POC.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!