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#geography Saw this depiction of South America and thought how different it looks without political borders emphasized but with a relief version. Changes how you look at the Amazon basin

To elaborate on this further, it has a bio-essentialist feel for the social sphere. With an implied call to "socialized as a" ideology, which we know is terfy.
Exclusion helps no one and plenty of people who you might not think experience transphobia AND misogyny do.
Its not a good look to let oppression define our identities and community politics.

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Tma and tme is just refering to someone as their agab and a stupid terfy concept

lowkey want to see mozilla die as a result of the google antitrust

someone should make a version of loops that's open source and not owned by an anti-union liberal

#RetroFlash: PCGA-TKN1 #Sony #Vaio

Yes, it is exactly what you think it is:

an additional number pad you can flip out of the #notebook bay:

Firefox and Mozilla ignoring the core audience's desire to keep the browser free from LLM is not good news. Ignoring your biggest fans always ends up costing you. I'm just saying. On a related note, someone with engineering and money resources can build LLM-free dumb products, like home appliances, electric cars, etc., and easily make good financial fortunes. People are sick of this LLM and privacy issues. Please stop adding this nonsense to everything

lknmllllllllllllllllllllllnhjftrddedsewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwedzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzcxxxxxxv bnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn bbbbbbbhhhhhhhvgvftrddddddddddddddddddddddddddddgfccccccccvbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbnn

2025 omen...

A dumpster fire on wheels at a Trump hotel.

Instead of Dumpster Fire we should start refering to utterly calamitous or mismanaged situations or occurrences as a cybertruck.

just got word of this. idk all the details but i just did this and the toggle is in fact there. psa

thank dog for sweater dresses! i'm no longer freezing in melody's house!!

(thank u for the gift mewwodeeee)

everyone is doxxing themselves by saying happy new year...

i know your time zone now

next i know your home address
my #1 #tip for new users on mastodon is to use more tags. tags help make your posts more #discoverable to new users and make it convenient for your followers to find other posts on other topics
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!