@notjustbikes Americans have the perfect combination of a massive superiority complex, and being completely braindead (worse, they don’t even realize the latter)
Their superiority complex is actively encouraged, and their stupidity celebrated
Americans aren't in the streets tearing it down because our fucking police are militarized and protest is treated like terrorism. #subtoot #Again #Repeatedly
@PallasRiot Here is an incomplete list of "anarchist friendly" servers...
Go fuck up your neighbors lawn.
Kill the American dream.
#guerillagardening #gardening #biology #ecology
Imagine walking up to someone 15 years ago and going
"Hey, in the future Google will just flat out make shit up sometimes"
"Yeah, like there will be a time where you can search for a movie that doesn't exist, and it'll show you trailers, articles discussing it, who's directing it, interviews from the actors, and all of it will just be completely fake and presented as real"
"What the hell are you talking about"
"Yeah and it won't just be Google either, Microsoft and other big companies will be touting it as a revolution worth billions of dollars, as their products make shit up on the spot thousands of times a day"
"Dude, are you high"
"Entire product lines will be rebranded around their lightning fast make-shit-up technology, and they'll even try to sell this making shit up as a creativity tool for writers and artists"
"Get the fuck away from me, I'm calling the police"
The all-sky camera consists of a ZWO ASI178MC color camera with a 2.5mm F/1.2 fish-eye lens. A small Raspberry Pi computer operates the camera and sets the exposure time and camera gain based on the sky brightness. It also controls a dew heater and a fan to prevent condensation on the acrylic dome.
Guardian: “Covid surges across US after holidays amid low booster uptake”
“It’s still dangerous”
“About 5.3% of American adults reported having current long Covid symptoms when the CDC last conducted a survey…17.9% reported ever having long Covid”
Love old tech and anti-authoritarian praxis
RISC and singlecore CPUs
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Follow requests have been turned on solely because a previous irl friend is stalking me on this account and I don't know their account name. If this is you, pls just stop.
Lots of body no worky Just a puppy