Fucking hell people.
If Zuckerberg saying that Facebook will stop fact checking because "fact checkers are politically biased" and that they want to "become more like X" isn't enough for you to dump all Meta services like Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and Whatsapp, then just admit that you don't care about disinformation or facts.
I mean, seriously. Leave. There are other better options.
Ukraine is not the only place in the world where people are waging an armed struggle against the imperialist encroachments of authoritarian regimes. For many decades, the Kurds — the world's largest stateless ethnic group — have been fighting anyone who tries to destroy them. Under constant pressure from the regimes of Assad, Erdogan or Islamists from ISIS, they are nevertheless trying to build their egalitarian project — Rojava.
The relationship between Rojava and Ukraine is much stronger than it seems. Many fighters and internationalist fighters, who fought as part of the Syrian Democratic Forces (a military formation of the Autonomous Administration of Northeastern Syria, including other ethnic groups in the region), arrived in Ukraine at the beginning of the full-scale invasion to help fight Russia. Some are still here, but we cannot tell you more about them for security reasons. But we can honour the memory of the Irishman Finbar "Chia" Cafferkey — who was killed in Ukraine in the battle for Bakhmut, and Marcy from Great Britain, who perished fighting for Avdiivka — both former SDF fighters.
At the same time, with the fall of Assad and the beginning of a new Turkish offensive on the Kurdish-controlled territory of Syria, anti-authoritarians are again fighting for Rojava.
And even despite the difficult situation, they managed to send us their greetings! On our end, we stand in solidarity with the anti-authoritarians of Rojava and plan to cover their struggle more thoroughly!
"Solidarity with the anarchists and anti-authoritarians of Ukraine from the anarchists fighting in Rojava against the Islamists and the Turkish state for a free Kurdistan!"
Suzanne Lambin (1902-2008) was a pharmacist and microbiologist. A pioneer in biomedicine and biomathematics, she became the first woman to hold a chair at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Paris in 1951. To honour her great work on the evolution of bacterial cultures, DSMZ researchers named the strain Nocardiopsis lambiniae (DSM 44743) after her.
Unfortunately, it was impossible to find a picture of her... 🙁
#herstory #HonoringWomenInSTEM #WomenInScience #microbiology
#OnThisDay, 21 Dec 1919, Emma Goldman - and 248 other radical 'aliens' – is deported from the US to the USSR.
Goldman was an anarchist campaigner for free speech, birth control and workers' rights.
She had been born in the Russian Empire in 1869, and emigrated to the US as a teenager in 1885. After her expulsion she lived in the USSR, England, Canada and France. She also went to Spain during the Civil War in the 1930s.
#WomenInHistory #OTD #History #WomensHistory #AmericanHistory #Histodons
#OnThisDay, 7 Jan 1939, French physicist Marguerite Perey discovers element 87, which she later names francium. It was the last element to be discovered naturally.
Perey was a student of Maria Skłodowska-Curie. She was nominated five times for the Nobel Prize but never received it.
#WomenInSTEM #ScienceHistory #WomenInHistory #OTD #History #WomensHistory #Histodons
I will never understand why more people aren’t angry and radicalized by the events of the last five years.
The anti mask, anti-vaxx crowd are angry… but they’re also terribly misinformed and on the wrong side of history.
Those of us with disabilities are livid … but we aren’t heard. We’re treated as even more invisible now than we were five years ago. An unwelcome reminder of Covid and the frail nature of the human condition.
But what about everyone else? The anti mask crowd may be the loudest, but they’re far from the majority.
Why aren’t the rest of you angry? Why are so many people content to accept and normalize mass death and disability?
An article came out in PBS today that puts the total COVID deaths at over 20 million.
20 million people. Those are fathers, mothers, spouses, grandparents, siblings and children. Each number represents a loved one to someone else.
Where’s the outcry?
400 million are dealing with Long Covid. That’s an obscene amount of people whose lives are forever changed. Who may never again know what it’s like to be healthy or exist in a body that isn’t rife with suffering.
Where’s the rage?
We know how to prevent covid. We’ve known for years. Yet rather than adapting our lifestyle and being humble in the face of a novel virus - we’ve given it the reins.
We’ve conceded defeat before we even put up a fight. Accepted repeat infections as inevitable. Shrugged our shoulders as we report more and more deaths. Aggressively minimized and disappeared those with Long Covid.
This should make you angry. It doesn’t need to be this way.
What would success look like? What would fighting back entail?
🫶Mandatory masking in all healthcare facilities (with respirators)
🫶Free tests and vaccines for everyone
🫶Better funding of anti virals and other treatments
🫶Clean air in all public spaces with transparent data visible to the public
🫶Clean air on school busses and anywhere that children congregate
🫶Paid time off for everyone who’s sick
🫶Free respirators in public places AND freely available to anyone who can’t afford precautions
🫶A robust public health campaign about how to properly wear a respirator
🫶A brutally honest public health campaign about the dangers of COVID. We have to stop treating it like a respiratory virus and make the public aware that it’s a multi system vascular virus with immune damaging capabilities
Doing even a few of those things would make a huge difference. Doing all of them would end the pandemic.
Get angry. Get loud. Demand better. Demand transparency.
Say that 20 million dead is not “mild”. That 900 dying every week in the U.S. is not “over”. That 400 million disabled will NOT be ignored.
#covidisairborne #covidisnotover #sarscov2 #longcovid #pandemic #cleanair #wearamask #disability #ableism #eugenics
“Apple auto-opts everyone into having their photos analyzed by AI for landmarks”
All the companies really work hard on making sure I don’t trust them.
"you should have stopped caring about Gaza and trans people" does not sound as cool as some people might think
In this time of Late Capitalism, I really think it's important that we put our efforts into breaking this repetitive (and predictable) cycle of "lesser evil" political parties failing to offer answers while holding the door shut on "leftists" and allowing fascists into power, over and over. We need to de-legitimise and actively undermine that system, through our own interconnected media, workplace organising, renters unions, mask blocs, and mutual aid groups everywhere. Time is running out.
Too many people take away the wrong message about social ostracization, & by "too many people" I mean white queers of course I mean white queers.
You do not fix a system that forces exclusion by making your own little specific clubs that you bar people from based on "vibes" or assumptions you made about them. Especially not when those said "bad vibes" are just someone standing up for themself, or not appealing to politeness, or being Black.
Just because you hold marginality in one way does not mean you are forever exempt from being capable of perpetuating the marginalization of another person.
Talking over people & denying their lived experiences so you can keep your "I'm a good person & not complicit in violence" mindset is not leftist. Is not progressive. Is not the path to freedom.
Love old tech and anti-authoritarian praxis
RISC and singlecore CPUs
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Lots of body no worky Just a puppy