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Hi friends, I've been a bit quiet recently; we came down with Covid for the first time and it was ROUGH. 11 days later and I'm finally feeling myself again... Anyway, here is a pencil drawing digitised and finished in Krita - based on a collaborative sketch made with my wife.

#MastoArt #illustration #art #bodyhorror #horrorart #surrealism

Futureless :: Ford

i was sad about missing out on #goblinweek cause of being a depressed wreck for the last 5-8 months, so i randomly snapped and created this in little spurts over the last few days.

#art #digitalart #collage #surrealism #krita

jokingly asking for violence 

What if we had more stabbings, but you know, stabbing fascists and we all promise to look the other way :neofoxAngelPleading:

Our program is now live!

There are still more details to be added before #fluConf2025 begins (tomorrow, February 1st), but you can at least get a preview of some of the sessions we have scheduled.


My personal favorite gender related meme.

marked sensitive for clown eye contact

Perpetual reminder that the entire business model of LLM-based chatbots, no matter their nationality, is based on intellectual property theft and this gem from XKCD:

#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #LLM

In case you missed it, acting ICE head Tom Homan was up yesterday complaining that ICE is having a hard time meeting the quotas they're setting because of campaigns telling people their rights and how to resist raids.

In case you're wondering if the little things you do could possibly make a difference, know that they already are.

>>"Oh, I don't know if we can make masks required at our event... how would we enforce it? What if people don't have a mask? I live in a red state. What if the venue doesn't allow it. It sounds too hard etc etc etc"

Ok people so last weekend I tabled at a zine fest in Nebraska with like 25 vendors. The state is overwhelmingly Trump country and Omaha has a Republican asshole mayor and a Republican asshole congressperson. The organizing crew was 4 people. They bought a bunch of kn95s cheap in bulk. They put masks required on all their promo materials. They rotated duties so there was always one person standing at the door to the pertinent area next to the welcome table (the rest of the building did not require masking) and simply handed masks to anyone coming in who wasn't already wearing one.

The event lasted 5 hours and was attended by hundreds of people. In my estimation, 99%+ of people were masked up. It was busy the entire time. I made a lot of buxx and made a lot of good connections. It was rad. A lot of people expressed their appreciation for the masking, and I personally heard no complaints. Shoutout Alt Pub Omaha.

Your crew can easily do this too.

remember that nazis are cowards. unless they have numbers on you, you can confront them and they immediately fold and slink away

just sayin as someone w maga fashy neighbors

life goals is a house with a backyard and 20 meters tall radio mast containing all sorts of funny antennas

The Debian Publicity Team will no longer post on X/Twitter. We took this decision since we feel X doesn't reflect Debian shared values as stated in our social contract, code of conduct and diversity statement. X evolved into a place where people we care about don't feel safe. You are very much invited to follow us on , on , or any media as listed on #debian

Authoritarianism is just domestic abuse writ large. It uses the same tools and the same logic and, honestly, the perpetrators are often the same damn people.

children deserve access to all forms of healthcare for free without judgement and no matter what their fucking parents want. that includes transition, abortion and vaccines

I'm not sure how to feel about having all of my feelings about various siloed tech platforms, operating systems, and tech companies more broadly so fully and brutally borne out.

Like I hated FashBook long before it enshittified, I dumped reddit when it started blocking third-party API access, I stopped using Google years ago. Been using Linux since 2012.

I wish my choices were just down to me caring about privacy, owning my own data/software etc.

But JFC this ongoing abuse and exploitation of the users of these platforms really makes me wish I was just being weirdly eccentric rather than (accidentally) prescient.

Firefox why u suck so bad

Thinking about them replacing the RSS feed function with pocket 😒

My life partner says it smells really good, for those interested

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!