I don't get excited about supporting small businesses that are registered LLCs and hiring waged employees.
I am excited about supporting independent craftspeople and sole proprietorships/partnerships.
I would be even more excited about supporting large, unionized, anarcho-communist industrial firms.
We visited the #sunflower #seastar laboratory yesterday to check on on all the little #starfish. They're almost to their one year spawn-iversary!
my take on access to HRT, including DIY and minors
It should go without saying but apparently it might not be as obvious as i thought
But I believe that access to HRT is a fundamental right of every consenting individual who wishes to use it, with no "if"s or "but"s
That includes those who do not wish to interact with the medical system for *any reason* and minors when it comes to puberty blockers *and* hormones
Including DIY
This is not an invitation for discussion, if you don't agree with this I can only invite you to kindly unfollow right now
Major privacy alert for Android users
you should build your next project in G. you should check out raccoon. have you tried nub? it fixes a lot of the problems in chunt and it's faster than elyfant. did you see the spatula announcement? it looks like frothy's syntax with toddler's type system. at work we use zabar's on the front end and conspiracy on the backend. trying to get them to switch to herodotus. have you done the xyyz tutorial? have you read the bart book? have you tried lisp?
Love old tech and anti-authoritarian praxis
RISC and singlecore CPUs
Pls send a follow request
Follow requests have been turned on solely because a previous irl friend is stalking me on this account and I don't know their account name. If this is you, pls just stop.
Lots of body no worky Just a puppy