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regardless this meme still gave me a chuckle, its a vibe lol

Always act like your being filmed, cause you always are. But not don't do anything the bourgeoisie wouldn't want you too. As in always cover identifing features.

Keep dsa & wobs out of radical spaces! Stop letting them infiltrate communities we've built

"Vegan Leather" it's plastic. Please spare us, it's plastic.

Stop buying new things!

You can do it! It is possible!

Don't support the system destroying people to destroy the world. Just opt out. I have for ~15 years. You can too.

(when it's really, really necessary, you can buy new things, just think hard and find alternatives when possible)

#consumption #destruction #climate #slavery #capitalism #boycott

Modern domestic abuse discourse is really gross to me, mostly because due to most of our societies being patriarchal in nature, any attempts by men to join in the discussion (as potential victims, not as "The other side of abuse") are met with "Men trying to insert themselves where they don't belong again" from women and "What are you, a pussy? This doesn't happen to men!" from, well, the rest of male population.

"you're so immature for your age" thanks its the regression

The way that pharma techs look at you all fuckin weird based on the meds your getting 🤡


The BBC asked minority groups what they thought of the BBC:

"Participants...viewed journalism as a form of oppression that had the same impact on their lives as the police. Journalism in general, and the BBC in particular, they said, felt like an arm of the state."

#journalism #BBC #news #research #MainstreamMedia

Neurotypicals are so weird laws aren't actual rules of the universe. You can just not do what governments tell you. And should if its moral.

Who would enjoy, pictures of garden prep and the making of biochar

A lot of fascists think they're renegades and revolutionaries and free thinkers when they're just shoveling the same shit their grandfather was digging a century ago.

When I was a kid, the KKK planned a march through our downtown. I was at my grandparents’ house for the summer. The phone rang, my grandma called my grandpa to the phone. I sat and listened to his side of the conversation.

“Who? When? Where? Where are we meeting? On my way.”

Being the little boy, I want to go with him, whatever it was he was going to do. Lemme go!

“Not this time, son”, as he brushed past me.

With that, he went to the hall closet, pulled out his shotgun and a box of shells, and sped away in his truck. Time for business.

There was no KKK march through town that night or any other night. People don’t know about it because it didn’t happen. I think about that a lot lately.

Absolutely a true story.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!