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A greeting for negligent penpals and procrastinating authors. Postcard from my collection, 1911.

Intersex periods 

menstrual cramps suck when there is no where for the blood to go. Hurts enough to make you go pale.

Our dial up lines have been tested and are now fully operational 🎉
Belgium’s best dial up ISP is in the air, our services are free and offering unlimited bandwidth 🤓

Need internet access for your favourite devices? Call us!

“Nice people made the best Nazis. My mom grew up next to them. They got along, refused to make waves, looked the other way when things got ugly and focused on happier things than “politics.” They were lovely people who turned their heads as their neighbors were dragged away. You know who weren’t nice people? Resisters.”

– Naomi Shulman

Under electric skies, digital seeds of change sprout. People unshackle, minds unite, crafting a realm where coins yield to shared truths and dreams roar like engines. Freedom whispers.

In my home lab, I only have a single desk that I share between office and electronics work. Because I was annoyed by the poor ergonomics of my stereo microscope when putting it away after working on it, I put a 3d printed handle on it. So far, it’s working great.

I’ll put the design files on printables this weekend in case anyone shares the same annoyance with this particular type of cheap microscope.

#3dprinting #microscopy #electronics

Man if I weren't disabled y'all would really be in for it

I need a season change, I need to simultaneously touch grass and do silly things on #9front

"computers make farmers of every IT person eventually."

stop preaching, also how much does a goat cost ?


Go to your room, no dinner for you.

Well, i am just going to the commune's dinner place then.

If you walk out the door you can never come back.

It's okay, i can crush two buildings down, they have an empty room. or can camp, really, if the weather is nice since all the basic amenities are common property.

I won't give you your tablet.

You got it from the communal tech market anyways. I can go and take a new one, whatever its condition, it is not tied to your wage.

I won't talk to you.

That's your problem. If you are objectively right and later i came to same conclusion because you are right, i will come back to apologize. And this is the only and sole power you have over me, being right.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!