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For March 8—International Women's Day—here is our draft program to resist patriarchy and transphobia.

First, abolish gender segregation. Ensure that people of all genders have access to the same opportunities, resources, social ties, and forms of agency.

Second, abolish fixed gender roles. Break free of the fixed roles and binaries that tie certain traits to certain genders. Demonstrate new constellations of the qualities and capabilities that are currently associated with one gender or another.

Third, abolish gender hierarchies. End practices that privilege one gender over another. Do away with institutions and attitudes that value some qualities and capabilities over others on account of the gender that they are associated with. If a person of any gender has to outdo all other contenders in demonstrating traditionally masculine characteristics in order to get a foothold in politics, gender oppression remains in effect even if not everyone in a position of power is a man.

Finally, abolish gender gatekeeping. Do away with the boundaries that control who can identify with any gender. Defending trans identity, gender nonconformity, and other departures from fixed binary gender is a step towards this goal.

Against patriarchy—for the free flourishing of all!


If its not antisemitism when Columbia let alt right Nazis speak on its campus, but somehow is antisemitism when people peacefully protested genocide of Palestinians on Columbia's campus—then you'll have to stop pretending it was ever actually about antisemitism.

Most of my students know that the US did not enter WWII until after Pearl Harbor (12/7/1941).

A few know about America First and the embrace of isolationism in the late-1930s.

Almost none believe me when I tell them that 90+ PERCENT of Americans opposed US entry into WWII in May 1940, when the Nazi Blitzkrieg was tearing through Western Europe.

They struggle to accept what's happening in the US today b/c they can't shake the myth of American exceptionalism and eternal valor.

#history #uspol


Sexy, worshippable armpits.

Meanwhile, in México, a national campaign has started to increase the consciousness on the rights of women.

@_elena F-droid has a lot of interesting apps. I know it looks old, if you want, download #Droidify that has a more elegant interface.

Recomended apps from F-droid:

- Moshidon: For mastodon
- Localsend: For share files between local devices
- Newpipe: Player for youtube and peertube
- K9-mail or thunderbird: Email client
- Keyboards, maps, chat client and more. All of them open source :)

Every time a non-submissive Latin American leader is elected, #US corporate media, with the organization and black money of the #CIA, takes it upon themselves to educate the masses about how dangerous socialism is in their own backyard.
Now it's #Venezuela.
Previously, almost all #AmericaLatina countries were in the same position.
#NanoRubio will make things infinitely worse.

Me: Please don't use Chromium-based browsers, use Firefox instead. Google has way too much control over the web because of Chromium and they'll be sure to leverage that in order to benefit themselves.

Chromium: Hey all, we're getting rid of ad-blockers because it's cutting into our record-breaking revenue! I mean, uh, we're deprecating Manifest V2 for, uh, security. Yeah.

Me: See? Please use Firefox. :blobfoxmeltsob:

Mozilla: Hey friends, AI is really cool! *steps on rake* Hey friends, we're making an ads business! *steps on rake* Hey friends, we have a ToS with either the most nefarious or the most incompetent language ever! *steps on rake* Also AI is cool!!!

Me: ... :corgi_wtf1:​ I hate it here.

#Mozilla #Firefox #Google #Chrome #Chromium #FOSS

Also, something I learned about from The Pink Triangle is that the only places where there *was* leniency toward homosexuals was in the places Germany invaded that they didn't consider to be "properly" German (France, etc). The idea was that homosexuals weakened the nation, so the orders were to not go too hard on homosexuals in the places where they wanted to colonize, because the belief was that us homos would weaken Hitler's opposition.

It's funny when so-called leftists want us to leave trans people behind, because they weaken our side, in that light, isn't it? Funny when someone agrees with Adolf fucking Hitler.

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Erm, dunno if any critters in my circle are into this level of security but,,,

Is this a good thing for security or not lmao :blobfoxcomputerterrified:

Call me old-fashioned, but when I click on "help" in a desktop app, I do not expect the browser to open a Reddit forum.

That's not documentation, any more than a chat system is.

Why only boycott Amazon for 7 days. Delete your account instead.

Please let yankee Republicans know that now that the woke DEI park rangers have been fired for their nonbinary crimes no one can stop you from petting the buffalo, as is your Christian birthright

This is my favorite photo for demonstrating the impact of #LightPollution on physiology. The image was taken by shows a soybean field illuminated by a badly directed streetlight.

What's happening here is that soybeans are supposed to grow leaves in the early part of summer, and as nights get longer, they should make #soybeans and turn brown. In the green area, the plants don't understand what time of year it is, and it's therefore a complete loss for the farmer.

The reason I love the photo so much is because you can see the shadow of the light mast on the field.

The photo was taken by Dwaine Eddie McGriff & Ben Tankersley, and originally posted to Xitter (the post no longer exists).

The problem could be entirely solved by using a streetlight with strong backlight shielding (i.e. shining the light only on the roadway).

Please don't apologize for boycotting the USA. You're doing the right thing, we're not.

One thing I noticed is that Bluesky users generally see ppl who interact with them as followers while ppl on Mastodon see each other as fellow Internet forum users, if you know what I mean.

that’s nice, but calling Trump a fascist doesn't make Democrats anti-fascist.

“Harris and Democrats Lose Their Reluctance to Call Trump a Fascist”

history gives us good evidence for what is fascism; and one of the big truths about fascism is that it’s inspired by USA’s Manifest Destiny and the social, political & economic dynamics that come with it.

there is no fascism w/o American racism, sexism, xenophobia, eugenics, rape culture, predatory economics, eternal war

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!