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The right pushed "antisemitism" accusations against Jewish college students protesting a genocide in order to render such accusations meaningless and absurd in general. They watered down the concept so they could get away with it easier themselves.

And Democrats helped them.

when you dared to suggest anything remotely "fun" or "quality-of-life improving" on the mastodon github

wow, it was 5 years ago today that the first person in Wuhan, China got sick with what we now know as covid-19, triggering catastrophic loss of life as well as what must be the largest and most ridiculous anti-science campaigns in human history.

left pol 

state socialists: but what if we wield state power? we won't get corrupted because we have good intentions! prommy! it's not like centralizing power creates a single source of failure for corruption and misanthropy to take hold or anything!

do you tilt your head 45 degrees when you don't understand something or are you normal

Using AI image generators is stealing labour from underpaid artists, denying credit to unknown artists and burning the planet for everyone.

It's depressing to see it being casually normalised by otherwise-nice people 😞


When threats of Proud Boys from 4 states loomed on the horizon against Boise Pride in the Garden in 2022, a new group of defenders arose.

Presenting Boise Santa Bloc

Do you know what U = U means? It's short for undetectable is untransmittable. When a person living with HIV is on effective treatment, the levels of HIV in their blood will be so low as to be undetectable. If someone's HIV is undetectable, they can't pass it on (transmit) to others when having sex.

Read more:

#Trans #Transgender #Nonbinary #LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBTQI #LGBT #WorldAIDSDay #TransHealth

Marine nitrogen fixation (nerdy but awesome!) 

For years, researchers couldn't identify the source of so much nitrogen (N) in the oceans. It was thought that cyanobacteria were the only organisms capable of fixing nitrogen in marine ecosystems, but their numbers could explain only half of the observed N.
Some years ago, mysterious gene fragments coding for a nitrogenase (the enzyme that fixes nitrogen) were found in seawater samples. These traces were not from cyanobacteria. But then, from who?

A recent study found that the N-fixing bacteria are related to Rhizobia and seem to be symbiotic with diatomees (unicellular algae). Yes, *the rhizobia*. *In a symbiosis*. *with unicellular algae* (= plants)
Rhizobia are the bacteria that fix the Nitrogen in the root nodules of leguminous plants, effectively making the rich terrestrial ecosystems possible.
And their cousins in the sea seem to do the same. The plants provide the bacteria carbohydrates (easy-peasy for photosynthetic organisms, as carbon is not their problem) and shelter, and the bacteria fix nitrogen. Just like this. And everyone benefits, including the surrounding ecosystem.
This is really cool and made my day!

#Microbiology #Ecology #Nitrogen #Rhizobia #NitrogenCycle #Oceans #MarineBiology #SciComm
#ScienceIsWonderful #AmazingScience


The way a lot of trans people in my past have been upset at me for various intersex traits is very sad. I alot of the time feel like the trans community isn't for me, due to this. I wish there were more spaces for intersex people to exist without others telling us we don't exist and saying we aren't oppressed or fucking being jealous of certain aspects of our bodies of all things.

I buy all my guns from a guy called T-Rex... 

He's a small arms dealer.

More than 200 police in riot gear, on bikes, and on horseback were mobilized to defend the metal festival Messe des Morts tonight on Monk Boulevard. Around 150 counter-protesters still made their presence known, and two Nazi bands were struck from the lineup after being blocked at the border.

The SPVM were out to exact vengeance for last Friday. But their efforts went awry when one cop pepper-sprayed toward the crowd unprovoked, only for a cloud of pepper spray to blow back in the face of his colleague, incapacitating him for several minutes.

Paradoxe Theatre believes its decision to provide a stage to Neo-Nazi "artists" will be quickly forgotten, but Montreal antifascists have a long memory.

Photos: William Wilson.

fuck around and build a nationwide mesh network out of decommissioned "your table is ready" notification systems harvested from abandoned eateries in abandoned shopping malls.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!