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Why am I hammering this drum so much? Why am I quoting these articles in such depth?

Because if the HICPAC guidance becomes the new policies of the CDC (which they likely will), then healthcare workers will be subjected to false information on efficacy of masks, less protection, hospital-infections more frequent (they're already high), and all of us will suffer.

All because HICPAC cares more about cost-saving than science and patients.

We need the uproar to continue. #Mask #Airborne

y'know. sometime you can be a boy in a girl way and a girl in a boy way and also neither and also both. fucked up.

or even better idea: make a fucking RSS feed, I hate how discord has become a replacement for RSS feeds


Press 1 to get Covid.

Press 2 to ruin what relationships you've somehow managed to maintain with friends, neighbors and family.

Press 3 to repeat your options.

Remember Friends:

Age-verification does not protect
the children online. It just endangers everyone’s data, including the children’s.

Write to your local representatives to
speak out against online age-verification.

#Privacy #AgeVerification #KOSA

I'm not a fan of KN95s for the same reason NIOSH isn't, but the bar is underground. At least it's a filtering facepiece

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I'm sad it seems like all the bioscience people went to bluesky but atleast the bridge sorta works :(

Northern Saw Whet Owl
Alberta, Canada. Photo by Lisa M. Jones.

“Standing at only 7 inches tall, this diminutive owl isn’t easy to find. Ranging over much of North America, this shy owl roosts silently concealed in dense conifers.” - Cornell Lab and The Owl Research Institute.

Devastating piece about Natalie, who suffers from Ehlers Danlos Syndrome & an insurance company w/Anti-Care Syndrome: "She is the one who has gone from choking on food to choking on water while we wait for the insurance co. a piece of a multibillion dollar industry, to nickel-and-dime its way to an agreement. . . . it’s always the patients who suffer. It’s egregious. It’s immoral. & for Natalie & the thousands of other patients just like her, it’s a terrifying wait."

Qweer Xmas Market is on at Hotel Berlin #Berlin!! Here until 21:00 in the #ComicInvasion room with a vast selection of timely named comic collections!! We have a reading corner and a view of the indoor half-pipe (not pictured)!! I brought out this zine cover for no reason at all!! Come say hi!!

Us: we have to overthrow capitalism or the planet will be uninhabitable in 10 years

Other People: it's mean to joke about medicine-hoarding ghouls getting shot

I’m so tired of being scolded by people who claim we shouldn’t rejoice that a greedy pig CEO is dead, when I’ve watched those same people celebrate for more than four years that they can do what they want because they’re only killing disabled people who were sick anyway so who cares.

So if you are one of those people and I have told you to fuck off you can go cry to the admins that I’m “being a jerk”, but I would argue that the bigger jerk is the person gleefully spreading disease because “only disabled people are dying”.

The struggle against US imperialism is incoherent without the struggle against Russian imperialism. We cheer when prison walls are torn down in Israel or Syria.

These absolute clowns have no fucking principles, consistency, or values whatsoever. Just the same old campist/tankie trash briefly repackaged as common cause with anarchists.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!