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There is a disturbing commonality between intelligent design rhetoric circa 2008 and AI hype rhetoric now. Namely, both work by taking fundamentally undirected and random processes, and trying to convince the mark that there is some kind of intelligence behind that randomness.

That's not to say that evolution and LLMs are similar, not at all, but goodness if AI marketers haven't learned from AiG.

I've had a migraine almost every day for the last seven days :blobsob: :blobsleepless:

New anti trans tip line, please don't spam this with false and irrelevant information such that their lines get flooded:

Between 2005 and 2013, California prison doctors performed sterilizations on around 800 women, often ignoring consent laws. The state set up a compensation program in 2021, but only a fraction of victims have been approved for payment.

A programming language isn’t truly Turing complete unless it’s gay.

There's alot of weird microlabel identity politic stuff in the left in the USA, spaces can often enough feel more like a philosophy club than a place to organize political action.

That being said I don't care what you call yourself really as long as your helping people live better lives, become freer and less oppressed. Less reliant on authoritarian government and more on each other.
I think we need more doing and less high minded thought rn. I don't care what you've read. Who have you fed?

Nothing is better than fresh roasted nuts bro, hot nuts bro.

But seriously these are rly good

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Protogen is such a hot gender, like how very based of you.

Don’t mistake your xenophobia for your concern for American labor rights. If you were truly into labor, you would work for the rights of all workers, including people who are not American or not yet American. Including H1Bs, and undocumented people alike

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Roasting some fresh peanuts in the oven. House smells so good :blobcatmelt:

@notjustbikes Americans have the perfect combination of a massive superiority complex, and being completely braindead (worse, they don’t even realize the latter)

Their superiority complex is actively encouraged, and their stupidity celebrated

a new year's resolution for cis people: don't treat non-binary people as "women lite"

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!