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Hello #PortfolioDay, I'm Loki, I'm a neuroatypical and anarchist artist and here's a small selection of the many things I create.

You can dl free versions at
or buy prints from or


Salut #PortfolioDay, je suis Loki, un artiste anar et neuroA et voici une toute petite sélection de mes créations.

Elles sont dispo en téléchargement gratuit sur ou à l'achat sur ou

#Vintage #Propaganda #SmallArtist #SmallCreator #DigitalArt #ReliefPrint #Linogravure #Linocut #Cyanotype #Letterpress #Typographie #CuteAnimals #Revolution #Resistance #Acab #Antifa #Queer #MadPride #VictorianStyle #SocialistArt #CommunistArt #AnarchistArt #ArtForSale #FreeDL

USA is the land of the cult and the cult of personality is the one to rule them all.
Don't blindly follow anyone, ask questions, think for yourself.

"What would I have done if I lived during such an antifascist revolutionary event..?" now.

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A study from the Berlin Senate showed that highway lights have no measurable influence on collision statistics. After this result, and further improvement of retroreflectors and other markings, the Berlin highway lighting wil be almost entirely extinguished step-by-step during 2025:

Belgium also turned off a huge fraction of its highway lighting two years ago without incident.

#RoadStandards #LightPollution #Safety #GlobalEnvironmentalChange

PM2.5 does not measure volatile organic compounds, which are much smaller toxic substances that can be found in wildfire smoke, particularly as it reacts to the urban environment. Unfortunately it is much harder to track VOCs with consumer-grade equipment.

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Researchers, please, please, please create RSS feeds for your blogs. We desperately need alternatives to social media to get your work out there.

You are no better than anyone else. It doesn't matter what your job is, you are not inherently more valuable than someone flipping burgers at McDonald's or someone sleeping on the street.

You're not better, you're just fucking not, and you will not be able to address the oppression that affects *you* if you aren't able to address the oppression that affects them MORE.

How apt that Mozilla closed their Fedi server on December 17th, and then announce #FreeOurFeeds less than a month later to try to pump money into AT/Bluesky by setting up a relay.

(The President and Executive Director of Mozilla are involved in this before anyone asks)

I smell some corpo-bollocks with this.

A sustainable future will probably not have next-day delivery for most things.

Get used to that idea, so you're not going to stand in the way of getting there.

This is my main gripe with the "individual change doesn't matter against systemic issues" crowd:

People who build their lives on the conveniences of hyper-capitalism will not support policies that require those conveniences to be diminished.

But those policies are going to be necessary.

What's happening to the US right now is exactly what the US did to Latin America.

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You know if I hadn't been disabled my whole life, I probably would have been a gym rat/grabbling martial artist. Makes me almost happy to have a collagen defect....

Regardless of how bad climate disasters become, the state will still fight to kill off the "undesirables" of society. They're still actively sweeping unhoused folks in LA. They are still heavily relying on prisoners to fight the fires. They are still going after black families with false accusations, they are still murdering drug users, implying they are starting fires!

It's almost as if we're seeing the techbro class all having mass mid-life crises at once.

Instead of hiring that ghost writer, they're outsourcing it to a stack of GPUs.

Then they realize that they don't enjoy creative work, and in their privilege, assume everyone is like them.

And they're so unable to stop min-maxing their empty little lives for profit they can't resist productizing it.

Now, with your help and, we have brought the Cvkvlv back to life for all to know about in my art and life. My hope is my beadwork and other art brings good medicine to you in honor of the great Cvkvlv!




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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!