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Some cis-het men think they can gamify relationships with women without doing any real work on themselves (e.g., being fake funny but still obviously cruel) and doing things that show off mostly to other men (e.g., getting really ripped). And then they get angry because women can still spot them as self-absorbed douchebags from a mile away.

Live your life such that no one feels compelled to argue that something you did isn't *technically* a Nazi thing.

important tips for a career in software:

a junior developer cares about programming languages

a mid-level developer cares about algorithms and data structures

a senior developer cuddles her 3 girlfriends while watching some stupid slice of life anime instead of working

Patterns of Anarchy: A Collection of Writings on the Anarchist Tradition by Leonard I. Krimerman & Lewis Perry


Liberal America needs to own up to its failure to protect the rest of the world from fascism and climate catastrophe.

techbros, finbros, christofascists organized in Californian to keep #slavery legal. knowing democrats would to shit, the got to workout their blackbox voting magic to keep that 13th amendment loophole.

the goal?

the minute undocumented workers are thrown in jails, they will be #slaves.

almost all USA agricultural land is controlled by investment banks; if not as outright owners, then as holders of mortgage titles.


i have rarely been wrong about the orange shitstain since i called him a fascist 10 years ago. american billionaires are an a criminal cartel, after all.

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Someone just “recommended” I feed my medical records into ChatGPT and ask it to help parse out the most important information.

Just in case anyone needs to hear this… do not give your medical records to AI.

Don’t do it. No good can come from giving all your private & personal info away like that

I told people the Trump administration would block post-infectious research and treatments, the only people who respected that I was coming from professional and personal knowledge about this and it would occur were disabled people (and researchers/doctors previously impacted)

bringing "masculine energy" to the work environment by cruising for dick in the bathrooms

yea I’m kind of a frigid academic (autistic) (shut-in) (misanthrope)

Last night Turning Point USA had an event planned at University of Washington. Antifascists showed up to disrupt the event by setting off the fire alarms right as the event started. Event goers had to evacuate the building twice, and one of their speakers, Olivia Krolczyk, was unable to give her speech lol.

Provide me a time machine and I will prevent 9/11.

*Prevents the colonization of North America*


In light of US tech oligarchy setting its sights on Wikimedia Foundation, a historical detail I did not know before: #Wikipedia became the non-profit it is today partly as the result of a labour strike of Spanish Wikipedia editors who disagreed with the proposed inclusion of advertisements. Initially, it was not clear what revenue model Wikipedia would get, and Wales moved towards a for-profit model already a year after launch. However, rather than working for free, so Jimmy Wales could profit from their labour via advertising, Spanish contributors forked Spanish Wikipedia as the Encyclopedia Libre Universal. Under the threat of losing the editorial community of such a large language, Wales conceded and set up the non-profit.

That is to say, however imperfect they are, all the digital commons we have are the result of ongoing struggle and hard work to keep them as commons.

Via Las Redes Son Nuestras ( by @teclista

The first of two articles we're sharing on our page today; Liao's – "The Equality Society"

An overview of the early Chinese anarchist movement in diaspora in the US, kindly sent over from @thecommoner with permission from Liao.

And remember, no cop has the legal right to enter you home unless (A) you let them, voluntarily or (B) they have a signed, current "Search Warrant." Check the date and time (must still be current). Make sure there's a judge's signature. And make sure it's a search warrant. Ice typically doesn't use search warrants. They use "arrest warrants" and "administrative warrants," which do NOT give them legal right to enter.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!