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"It's the right night evening for a tune" Snufkin thought. "A new tune, one part expectation, two parts spring sadness, and for the rest, just the great delight of walking alone and liking it."

(Tove Jansson)

#illustration #moomin

Walking down by the West Wind
I met a boy
He was my friend
I said, “Boy, we could sing it, too”

… and we do.


#ToveJansson #MarcBolan #Moomin #TRex #Snufkin #BeltaneWalk

Some people don't realize how well old computers can work for everyday tasks if you just switch out the spinning hard drive for an SSD.

The difference is incredible. You may not need a new computer.

yeah man it'd be so fucked up if journalism in the United States was just a mouth piece for the government and/or whichever rich dude owned the channel or paper. good thing that happened for the first time in history on January 21st, 2025 lmao

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Ethnic cleansing is bad. You should punch people advocating for it

@InternetEh This is what's killing me about Liberals re: Trump's bullshit on Gaza.

Like the only difference is that Biden wanted the client state to do it and Trump wants the US to do it.

Losing my mind at how many people are turning to democratic politicians to lead the resistance against fascism.

Democrats paved the way for all of this. It’s up to us.

Fuck the American healthcare system, I don't get to have a functional immune system this month cause of wrong info about what documents were needed, to prove I live where I live.

So what's the opsec tips on putting up flyers these days?

How to find Nazis:

(1) Post “Fuck Nazis”

(2) Watch for the “Don't call people you disagree with Nazis!” comments, or those saying it's more complex then that.

(3) You found the Nazi.

Cool that you're sharing a CIA manual about disrupting orgs, now share Riot Medicine with that same "just in case" energy you weirdos

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!