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I need non US Americans to understand that it takes days, almost a whole week to travel across the United States without using a plane.

Using a plane requires you to be and remain unthreatening to the State. To say nothing of the inherent risk of flying with the issues going on regarding Air Traffic Control.

It takes most US Americans hours to get to their state capital.

We are not a European sized country. Descending upon Washington DC en masse is not possible for the average person.

Resisting this dictatorial federal government will need to include ignoring it. Not ignoring the damage it's doing, but operating independently from it. Empires crumble when they get to a size where they cannot exercise local control over their whole land area. Focusing on building dual power and mutual aid is materially beneficial.

the capitalist landlord class is composed of parasites and nothing more. they are not worthy of your respect, and they are not worthy of your fear. someday they will not exist. but we, the poor, long their victims, will fluorish in uncountably many variations of love and expression and culture while dancing on their graves

everyone is like "capitalism is an efficient system. we just need to modify it" and capitalism is frantically installing something called "copilot" on your computer to make it worse for no reason

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You know why we Germans are so pedantic about data protection? Someone around 90 years ago went through all records available, selected people with certain criteria, with the help of IBM, and then killed them all.

We don't want to be on any list.

And now the US Gov and Musk is trying to get access to all data they have about every person and put them into a big fat DB and run AI over it.

I am afraid what they will do with that.

I hate Americans who blame the American education system for them not knowing very simple facts about the world. like I also got an american education but I didn't think that very silly thing so this is on you

I should be like sappho fucking women and lounging on beaches.
Not whatever this touch starved, boring nightmare of a life this is.

Why are we seeing fewer numbers at mass protests after Trump 2.0? Poverty and disenfranchisement. Most people in dire situations see the path behind them and the mountain of crap to deal with today. They do not have the time nor do they see the effectiveness of such protests where nothing is taken away from the people in power. We need general strikes, but that takes organization and caring for the people at the bottom. We need to work together to topple the power structure.

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This morning, Leonard Peltier was released from over 49 years of wrongful incarceration.

“Today I am finally free! They may have imprisoned me but they never took my spirit!” said Leonard Peltier. “Thank you to all my supporters throughout the world who fought for my freedom. I am finally going home. I look forward to seeing my friends, my family, and my community. It’s a good day today.”

#LeonardPeltier #Native #Indigenous

fun fact: if you have a laptop or desktop that has an intel cpu with "vPro" on the sticker there's a chance the management engine in your CPU is just hosting a web server at all times.

It's at port 16992

@kirancodes which will be 0.35ml per week. So you just take the dose you want cause you will get a new 100mg\5ml vial every month. And pro tip when you go to get syringes dont accept 3mls only 1ml syringes cause you have to press really hard on the 3mls and dosing is harder. Also my fav injection needle size is 30gauge 5\8th inch hurts less and unless you have alot of body fat on your thighs u dont need 1" needles

"public transit" that has fees enforced by cops is private transit, actually.

"It's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of America" that's skill issue from you, I imagine the end of America all the time


I mean it's not that I don't think nazi billionaires are planning on looting the US treasury, or even that I disagree with people who're saying they're crashing the dollar to get rich/obtain more power. It's just that fascists use the whole cow, and constantly searching for reasons why folks in what amounts to a reactionary techno-fascist death cult don't REALLY mean to transform society into a dystopian sci-fi novel about oligarchic fascism is imho, an unhealthy impulse right now.

You're right, it's about the money, but if you don't think it's also about the power, or their intentions to enact a Longtermist (read nightmare dystopian fascist) agenda, you're telling yourself polite fictions. They're absolutely robbing the world, and they absolutely intend to place themselves in permanent control of a fascist police state through force. Both of these things are true; so assuming the fascist stuff is all window dressing and the heist is what matters is just another form of wishcasting.

Look I dunno how many times I have to say this, but this shit is really. We really have hit the end of the line, the planet really is on fire, and we really are at a point where either capitalism goes or billions of people die horribly. The billionaires are embracing fascism and a technocratic-death cult precisely because all of this is true. They've already made their choice; billions of us are gonna die so they can maintain their (capitalist) way of life if they have anything to say about it. And you can't do that, even a faux democracy, without altering the social contract in some pretty horrible ways. For over ten years now people have been telling me I'm talking conspiracy theories but dawg, they say this shit in the open, you just have to take them seriously even though it's hard because they sound like Bond villains. How do you march billions of people to their deaths for a tiny handful of nazi billionaires can keep getting richer even as the planet burns? Well you ain't gonna do it DEMOCRATICALLY; people aren't going to CHOOSE to die for your profit margin. So you need fascism, and they have constructed an elaborate belief system and a plan to take over the entire Pig Empire, to justify and enact that fascism.

I get that it sounds like a dystopian fan-fic, but this is reality and it's unfolding right in front of your eyes. And if you're waiting for for-profi, Pig Empire media owned by the VERY SAME fascist billionaires planning to kill you and your family for pennies on the share as the world burns, to TELL YOU that all of this is real - you're a fucking mark.

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If you live under a system in which the votes of less than a quarter of the public are sufficient justification for fascists to install themselves into power over you permanently, then you never really lived under democracy. You lived under incipient fascism.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!