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Some people will really say shit like: i refuse to change the way i live my life in even the smallest way. For the betterment of everyone and the world.
Then think their being the smart one.

If your space is not accessible to someone they probably won't join it in the first place. If you are justifying not having accessibility by nobody there needing it, that is probably your fault in the first place

Wear a mask and write alt-text. 

#Anarchist #actuallyAutistic #Disability

if you want to build community in order to fight fascism

wear a mask, make events masked-only

otherwise, you'll be 'building community' with people who are making exceptions to who is in the community

and endangering everyone you try to build community with

don't let Covid-denial prevent the global response to fascism

#CovidIsntOver #PublicHealth #Antifascism

stop giving corporations the benefit of the doubt. there's no doubt, and even if there was, why the hell are you giving them the benefit of the doubt? look where that shit got us. "They probably don't mean what they wrote in that legal document" are you kidding me

Every vandalism of a Tesla makes people less likely to buy a new one, owners more likely to sell theirs, insurance less likely to cover them, drivers more likely to put anti-Musk bumper stickers on them, and shareholders more likely to dump their stock before everyone else does.

Billionaires have no shame, no morals, no conscience, but they have stock shares.

This is how we hurt Musk. This is how we make being a Nazi a bad thing to him.

Not every Tesla needs to burn—just enough that there's always a credible threat of it.

I hope the owners have insurance.

#TeslaTakedown #FuckMusk #ResistEverywhere

We are adaptable, as individuals and as people. But that does not mean we must adapt to oppression, to inequality, to bigotry. Though we may be tempted to go along to get along, sometimes we must choose, as individuals, as people, to fight.

Firefox now has Terms of Use! This'll go over like a lead balloon.

You give Mozilla all rights necessary to operate Firefox, including processing data as we describe in the Firefox Privacy Notice, as well as acting on your behalf to help you navigate the internet. When you upload or input information through Firefox, you hereby grant us a nonexclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to use that information to help you navigate, experience, and interact with online content as you indicate with your use of Firefox.

You know whats fun about hanging out with people who arent from the suburbs. Is that the concept of a government name has been a thing since forever.

When confronted with some impending loss, many of us engage in “anticipatory grief.” We run through various scenarios in our minds of what it might feel like and what we might do when the loss finally happens—a dress rehearsal, as it were, for dealing with the death of someone or something we love—thereby shifting how we act before that loss occurs—letting us better self-determine our responses.

These days, I’m in what feels a stronger imperative: “anticipatory rupture,” within which is bundled all of my fears, yet that I know must also include us noticing fissures in the christofascist edifice that we, communally, can generatively rupture.

Rupture involves “the tearing apart of a tissue”—sometimes of the very social fabric; it entails “the state of being broken apart.”

Which brings me to a familiar slogan in anarchist circles: “smash the state.” While it sounds good on paper—or on walls, stickers, and T-shirts—it’s a lot less pleasant when christofascists are the ones doing the smashing.

This isn’t to negate the aspirations embodied within our notions of antistatism, nor to abandon the desire for a world without states. It’s to say that such a vision is wholly incomplete without a liberatory horizon. Indeed, it can be downright scary and to be feared, with immense power to destroy.

We’re seeing this in dizzily accelerated, axe-wielding, real-time action as the Musk-Trump regime goes on a state-smashing spree. In a matter of weeks, they’ve done more to convince the world than we anarchists have in the whole of our tradition’s existence that it’s in fact possible to trash statist trappings, from laws to bureaucracy to so much more, but in the most self-interested, cruelest of ways.

I trust that as anarchists, we aren’t so crass as to celebrate their rapid rupture of the state, on their terms, into what might become “end-stage statism”—some version of “antistatist” christofascism that rapturously saves a handful of uber-wealthy at the literal loss of most of us and the planet.

I hope we turn to our “do-it-ourselves” power to create, especially past and present forms of self-governance—offering a rupture toward borderless freedom and well-being for all.


(photos, of street art seen during #FuckFascism strolls on the streets of Athens: huge DIY letters painted in white and black on the side of a building, and reading “No border, free world”; tag on a wall in purple saying “destroy everything”; and drawing on a wall in pink of a big fish, with small fishes swimming up below it, and the words “happy new fear,” with the “A” in “happy” circled)

bitches will be like "I'm not like the other chemicals" and then look like this 😭

The real web is the web that's woven by people trying stuff out, sharing ideas, and learning together.

Apparently we aren't Fash enough for @protonprivacy

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

If your opensource hardware costs the same or more than an apple product i dont want it. it just reeks of tech bro liberalism tbh

I redid the colors on my laptop install of links2 and got brutaldon working and wanted to show it off on here. But im suddenly feeling really sick and my computer is far from my bed where i am currently stuck

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!