Trying to set up dnscrypt-proxy has renewed my hate for systemd :[

So, people didn’t realise that Alexa was spying on them?

Are you all that naive?

This is why we can best understand the warlord or the mafia not as an alternative or enemy of the state, but rather as near-peer competitors. All of these phenomena start with the same roots and differ only in terms of scale and the degree to which subject peoples have gotten used to and conditioned to their rule.

The state is, in other words, merely the most successful warlord, the most expansive mafia.

The state, the warlord, the mafia outfit, and the landlord—feudal or modern—are all just ultimately expressions of the same violent, extractivist phenomenon. And just as we do not need the warlord or the landlord to coordinate complex social activities, defend ourselves from harm, or enjoy the fruits of science and literature, we do not need the state for any of these either.


Back in med school, the molecular machinery in skeletal muscle units or sarcomeres fascinated me. From a certain pov the mechanism seems obvious, yet it is exquisitely intricate. Ratchet like myosin heads drag along actin filaments to create contraction using ATP and calcium to create cyclical movement.

#biology #medicine

If I didn't hate them so much, id feel bad for people obcessed with llm bots. Like you really have never had a friend have you.

Not a single person you can ask does this seems right to you? Or do you remember how to do this?

Guys, gals...Normalize kissing your friends. Not a little peck on the cheek either, big wet sloppy tongue sucking kisses. Make it good.

trying to upgrade my streaming rig so I can play some more modern games; can some people who know computers better tell me if any of these will work?

Something I'd like to see in writing a lot more often:
"More than 1,600 American children have died of Covid - nearly 80% of them after in-person learning resumed in 2021 - but we talk about their experience of Covid now primarily in terms of school closings and learning loss."

- David Wallace-Wells

“Congress would later find that though bureau officials undertook COINTELPRO in the name of national security, its purpose was “preventing or disrupting the exercise of First Amendment rights.” The program took tactics developed for use against foreign adversaries during war and applied them to citizens: leaking phony allegations, sending anonymous poison-pen letters, interfering with jobs, having people arrested on drug charges, distributing misinformation, and encouraging violence. “In essence, the Bureau took the law into its own hands, conducting a sophisticated vigilante operation against domestic enemies,” the committee said. “Many of the techniques used would be intolerable in a democratic society even if all of the targets had been involved in violent activity, but COINTELPRO went far beyond that. The unexpressed major premise of the programs was a law enforcement agency has the duty to do whatever is necessary to combat perceived threats to the existing social and political order.”

― Seth Rosenfeld, Subversives: The FBI's War on Student Radicals, and Reagan's Rise to Power

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Computer Fairies

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