can't decide if I wanna build my city next to the shipwreck or find a place that's not so close to islands
@caracal you're on peaceful right
because if you weren't on peaceful then The Drowned would be an issue
@Wsteria yeah I am SUPER on peaceful
I saw a spot under the water that was glowing, but not like lava, what's that?
@caracal either glowing sea pickles or a magma cube! Did it have bubbles?
Or a ruin with a lantern
@Wsteria I was on a boat on top so I didn't find out!
I guess I gotta get some iron so I can get some shears so I can breed some turtles so I can breathe underwater better
@caracal holding shift takes you down faster
It took me an embarrassing length of time to look up the swimming hotkeys
@Wsteria ooooh~ useful!
I take this back, the south side of the shipwreck is Big Open Ocean