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I have 3 computers capable of burning CDs:
1. A Broken Pentium III Dell that goes through power supplies like water filters.
2. A Powermac G4 that currently cant recognize it's hard drive
3. A Thinkpad T430 that despite everything I put it through, it always turns on and does it's thing as long as it has an SSD.

Guess which one I almost always have to rely on to burn a CD?

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I really hope someday we can have a where we celebrate Microsoft's operating system from hell: Classic Windows.
Not only do we do cool stuff with our windows installs, but we make Halloween "Windows Plus!" Themes and change our bluescreens into Halloween colors.

Hey did anyone ever make a converter for the proprietary PSU slots on those old 90s dell motherboards?

My only Windows 98 computer just died on me... for the second time. I really wish those old dells didn't use proprietary PSUs, then I could easily put in a new one.

What's also hilarious is that while most of my time using old computers is on Windows, I have many more Apple computers that are just sitting around gathering dust.

I'll probably sell most of the apples when I move, but the question is: which ones?

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I just had a "fun" realization that despite collecting old computers, I hate all the companies who made them.

I guess what I'm into is what they brought to society. I'm interested in all the contributions people made to the world of computers. The fun we had on them. The usefulness they still potentially have. The long nights programmers spent writing code for to make a program that people used for a little while, then sadly discarded.

That is why I hunt for old programs.

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Are there any online mail services that still support windows 98 era mail clients?

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Theft removes the original

Piracy makes a copy

AI makes hundreds of legally distinct plagiarized copies

Id love to get back into irc, but most channels appear to be ghost towns.

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NEW: Tumblr and Wordpress are preparing to sell user data to Midjourney and OpenAI, according to internal documentation we've reviewed

"Oh cool, another hidden forum someone linked on their neocities page!"

>It's yet another forum filled with racist assholes

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@internetarchive @mmasnick It seems that #Amazon universally turned off its "Look Inside the Book" feature at about the same time that Internet Archive reached a preliminary settlement in the case to widely restrict content access to books.

Are these two events somehow related?

As I understand it, Amazon's limited preview feature was always done in agreement with publishers.


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December 25, 1990 – The first successful communication between an HTTP client and server over the Internet. The client was Tim Berners-Lee‘s WorldWideWeb – later renamed to differentiate between the software and the project named World Wide Web.

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We considered ourselves to be a powerful restaurant.

When trying to save an old program called pgpfone, I clicked an unassuming link and was sent to an "interrogation" page. I wonder how paranoid the government spooks were about this program back in the mid 90's?

The weirdest thing I've done since becoming a software archivist is go back to using In this case I was trying to find a newer version of Simona Planner. Google couldn't find anything but usenet postings. Mamont couldn't find anything. But Dogpile delivered.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!