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Churusaa boosted
Churusaa boosted
Churusaa boosted

This is a meme from the early days of Mastodon, but it bears repeating 


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Tweet from Saadia Muzaffar @ThisTechGirl

"They call them "developing countries" because countries struggling to recover from being ruthlessly pillaged and systematically destabilized" does not have the same ring to it." - Bunmi Laditan


Churusaa boosted

why do pills that start to dissolve the moment they go in your mouth always taste like bitter sadness ?

Churusaa boosted
Churusaa boosted
Churusaa boosted

RT Here’s a friendly reminder that Natives do not get free college.

I am 50k in student loan debt for attending a private institution that is placed on my rez. I have my Associate of Arts yes and could go for that BA, but 50k run up by a Native is hardly recommendable.

Churusaa boosted

there are already too many weird straight men on here, you know the type who don’t crop their toes out of pictures of their dog

Churusaa boosted
Churusaa boosted

Diane, make a note to ask the boys back at Quantico if they have anything on, quote "Waluigi's dick." I have a feeling it could be code for something, likely drugs. I've seen the phrase come up a disturbing number of times this week, can't be a coincidence.

Churusaa boosted

everytime i think im finally starting to understand heathcliff comics they pull some shit like this

Churusaa boosted

@softgoat I wish I had some good lightdm skins I could recommend. I switched over to sddm when I got hooked on Plasma.

Churusaa boosted

My new badge is every bit as adorable and pretty as I hoped. I'll scan it later and get a better picture. It's drawn by Alien Mary Mae.

Churusaa boosted

one or the problems with capitalism is that it's warped our brains into thinking people with an abundance of money are like modern wizards. our culture views the wealthy as though they possess some arcane, esoteric knowledge that gives them moneymancer powers. fiduciary spellcasters! πŸ§™πŸΌ πŸ’°

like, nah. magic missle is a spell. that rich asshole over there is either exploitative, a product of blind luck, or (probably) both.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!