Hey y'all! I'm streaming live on Twitch working on my TTRPG video game project! Come on over and say hi!

Just a reminder that the "existential risk" from AI is not that somehow we'll make Skynet or the computers from The Matrix.

Nobody is going to give a large language model the nuclear codes.

The existential risk is to marginalized people who will be silently refused jobs or health care or parole, or who will be targeted by law enforcement or military action because of an ML model's inherent bias, and that because these models are black boxes, it will be nearly impossible for victims to appeal.

So I know that game dev companies likely want to focus more on making new games rather than porting their old content (and perhaps that the market isn't completely there for this), but if they're just gonna C+D emulators et al, why not just get people to re-release your game on your new consoles/platforms? It would likely make them more money.

Do you like &D or other systems? Or ?
I'm working on a CRPG system and game that will allow for people to make their own CRPGs like Baldur's Gate. If you want to see how it goes or just hang out with me while I work on this, I'll be streaming on Twitch and YT on Tuesday

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!