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Ok AI. How to trigger endorphin production without being a creep. :bunhdthinking: :bunhdthink:

Me, 7 year old. downloads cool software from sourceforge :abunhdowohop:

Me, 27 year old. downloads cool software from sourceforge :abunhdhappyhop:

@koko If these computers use PATA cables. Is the drive set to master?

My endorphins are being held for ransom?
/nsrs :bunhdthinking: :bunhdthink:

cheqampi boosted
just found out about and all piracy sites should be like this
cheqampi boosted

click :bunhdidle:
click :bunhdidle:
click click click
"oooh, someone is requesting files" :abunhd:
click :bunhdidle:
click :bunhdidle:

Having a low-"Theory of Mind" might explain why my first reaction to someone having the same idea as me is fright. I'm autistic, no doubt on that. :bunhdcomfyidle:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!