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Alright, I'm backing off, no need to go there.

Being a little too rough over there. Just saying.

cheqampi boosted

i did a funny

allegedly nintendo only DMCA'd dolphin from steam due to it's inclusion of the wii common key

so here's a flag that represents the wii's common key, in hexadecimal form :)

re: A vinyl single from 1983 that contained a computer programme for the song's own music video for the ZX81. Created by a man who later found fame wearing a papier-mâché head. 

This is the opposite of the wyoming incident.

cheqampi boosted

Rnote is what happens when a dev has actual understanding of what a good program is

@t54r4n1 I like the mystery that gives. But it is actually French.

rPi's internet stopped working, learned about link-local, arp probing, dhcpcd.conf, how I always got the same local ip despite being under dhcp and didn't manage to fix it... rebooted the router and everything worked again. yay!

cheqampi boosted
World of Ends is a document from 2003 that describes the nature of the Internet and highlights the misconceptions people have about it.

This document is now 20 years old and I still think about it from time to time.

They brought edubuntu back from the dead, wow. A gnu/linux distro being revived. Makes me wonder whether this is uncommon, or that I'm not THAT into distros

Star Trek: The New Generation (s05e25 The inner light)

How I almost killed my keyboard by cleaning it with rubbing alcohol. Left it under the sun all day, and it seems there's no lasting damage. Yay.

@tsukkitsune @fen
Thank you so much. This taught me why the wall paint gets "salty".

Flipnotes and a Thermal printer. Endless fun.

I can't wait to be in a retirement home playing gmod and complaining about my pension in vc.

I yell to the heavens, Please do not put spaces while naming either files or folders.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!