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I'm gonna tell chatGPT to write stories similar to Aesop's fables.

The responses ChatGPT gives when you ask it: "Could you create a story in which the presence of human connection is as evident and explicit as possible?"

Thank you old me for doing a backup of my old Wii's NAND.

@muscadomestica I loved it, it is kinda sad though, but how the movie was made is what captivated me.

Trying software feels a lot like working with people on different situations (To me at least). I installed xournal++ years ago on Ubuntu 12.04 because It was recommended as a note-taking software. Sadly, I had only a mouse back then, so I used it once then uninstalled it. Fast-forward now (Debian 11) I have a Veikk Pen Tablet, and I've been using Xournal++ for hours.

cheqampi boosted
cheqampi boosted

gkrellm is an accidental fossil record. nice.

scp : .

I want to receive from there to here

@srol This captures the current internet community experience so well.

Opendyslexic as a subtitles font goes pretty well with anime.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!