post-human boosted

sooo.. then all region from "brown lands" of Middle Earth was deforested and therefore there are no more forests 🤬🤡 !!!..xx..... (guess who....) !!!

today I started swimming lessons and in the water I felt my body floating as if I didn't know how or as if I had never swum. It sounds crazy, but it's just a thought that came to my mind ::::::: "my body -> gravity -> water movements" as if I were 4 years old

I came home to study.
The study: Lord of The Rings.

(Spoiler Dracula) I fineshed Dracula and the end is depressing because I wanted Horror and Stoker gave me Hapiness

i think Dracula should have a map, it would be cool

I found this on my university lawn. I think its a message. """ press esc..... Go OUTSIDE"""

post-human boosted


Then things go off the rails . . . .

I'm waiting for my country's former president to be arrested too

I'm reading Dracula (almost finished) and having my coffee this morning, living the dark reality of vampires HEHEHE

THIS music!!!
{now I have to see all the films that Artemyev has soundtracked (Stalker is on my list)}

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!