oh noo it's raining and the weather forecast doesnt tell me that. I love to be surprised.

post-human boosted

Phrases like "average user"... "normal people"... kind of set me on edge. We should just say "imagine a perfectly spherical person".

hearing my professor adviser say "Furry" at our end of year party, he's not drunk

primeira coisa que comi quando cheguei em BH: pao de queijo

as vzs algumas coisas so da pra dizer em portugues nao tem jeito .. essa forma de dizer um monte sem dizer quase nada sabe? esse jeitinho brasileiro safado


I like this. The beginning of some songs can be kind of ..zz..z. but I got surprise in the midle of the entire presentation. It's good, I like it

post-human boosted

Estoy un poco obseso que estas imágenes de Maria Magdalena haciendo cosplay de Chubaca sean canónicas

olhando fixamente a maquina de lavar roupas bater e girar impressionante as invençoes humanas tanto as roupas tanto quanto como se limpa-as

post-human boosted
post-human boosted
post-human boosted

sooo.. then all region from "brown lands" of Middle Earth was deforested and therefore there are no more forests 🤬🤡 !!!..xx..... (guess who....) !!!

today I started swimming lessons and in the water I felt my body floating as if I didn't know how or as if I had never swum. It sounds crazy, but it's just a thought that came to my mind ::::::: "my body -> gravity -> water movements" as if I were 4 years old

I came home to study.
The study: Lord of The Rings.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!