TIL: Using the GRUB bootloader, you can filter out bad RAM areas before the map of available memory is passed down to the payload kernel...
In the autism constraint, You want to do something that makes you wonder if it could be wrong in any way, you do it. Then comes that overwhelming feeling.
I get a perception that somehow there's a choice you can make on this, and it is so dependent on the situation, going around about it overwhelms you more.
*Inhales* yep. *Exhales*
Somewhere, someone finally made this and I think it's beautiful
keep it down, you can be heard from across the cybercafé. linux can Be So Daunting. too schizoid to have an opinion. too autistic to process everything. Everytime I fall victim to cryptomnesia, I just wing it. /nbh favorite film: Kill the Messenger (2014) bitcoin:3CH2e4D6qQcQ34ZPB8WpVBE3G7CtwWfAXC