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I Can Be All I Want Now And There's No Fucking Cops to Stop Me.

Not for the sake of global revolution, but for our own sakes together.

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This system will not be thrown off in a single redemptive and purging act of revolutionary violence that will lead to a heaven of harmony after. This is nothing but an extension of the promise of heaven.

Does this mean that struggle is pointless? Not at all, rather struggle *is the point*. It is through the ceaseless struggle with those who would direct our lives-- the unending enmity with the systems of control-- that we can make the space by which new forms of power can grow.

oh nothing, just chatting with my favorite communist witches, nbd

ughh the way I talk gets so repetitive if I'm not being careful.


@Chel That sounds delicious 🤤

Think you'll take a pic when you're done?

I'm cooking some chicken tomorrow for my family, but I'll probs make this really good sweet and sour style I know.

I'll probs post a pic if I'm proud enough of it ^^;

Am I going to be annoying people in this local feed with anarchist stuff? Cause if I am I can move instances.

Myths of female innocence perpetuated by misogynists and feminists alike are simply an outgrowth of patriarchal ideology that positions women as perpetually pure, innocent, and childlike and if not then corrupted from that state.

This is a justification for the patriarchal racket that makes men the de facto guardians and custodians of women.

The concept that women need to be protected from corrupting influences is not at all radical.

Me: “Gender categories aren’t the boundaries of human expression and can be rebelled against. The concepts of gender held by this society in particular are extremely fragile because of their rigidity.”

TERFs and Other Misogynists, in Chorus: “Actually every man was Assigned Dom At Birth by God.” The left case "against" open borders? 🤨🙄😒

Great write up tho! Very good points!

flexing on bitcoiners by having the same amount of money as i did last year

@Hazelcrazygoatlady But would they and my level of Horny on Main like the furries do?

(Also I just looked at the list for like 5 seconds.)

I am a weirdo queerdo anarchist who likes fucking and suffering. Read my zine, Queer Revenge:

I'd like to thank the gay furries for taking my sorry ass in. I was too scared to make an account on the anarchist instance incase the people in charge decided they didn't like my nihilist angstposting.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!