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Furries? You mean the radical denial of assigned humanity? You mean the feral urge manifesting in the sexual? YOU MEAN THE SCHIZOANALYTIC BECOMINGS-ANIMAL? YOU MEA

People who don’t think the bathroom bills are big deals have probably never entered the mens bathroom out of fear that they didn’t pass only to horrifyingly discover that they did.

Life is so weird rn because on a personal level I've never been thriving so hard but on a global level things are more dire than I've ever seen in my life. I'm so happy and excited but scared and worried and I don't know how to reconcile that emotionally

Fundies: “We should ban porn.”

SWERFs: “We should ban porn.”

Tumblr: “We’re banning porn.”

People Who are Concerned About Ethics in LGBT Funding™: “I know who to blame for this…. it’s asexuals.”

I think my teenage self would be so in awe of who I've become and I'm proud of that.

Part of me wants to convince people to move off facebook and twitter but the other part wants mastodon to stay this queer and anarchist

I say we make a separate federation for the hets.

Among gay men, I am a twink.
Among gay women I am a femme.

I like getting fucked and people seem to like fucking me whether they're straight, gay, lesbian, bi, pan, man, woman, non-binary or what-have-you.

I enjoy it a lot.

Cishet man: "I don't understand why women do strength training??? Who would that appeal to???"

Me, imagining being carried in the arms of a powerful butch woman: 😍😍😍

What TERFs don’t seem to get is that their insistence on using “Male” and “Female” as categories to describe generalized social phenomenon is still gender and no more biologically-grounded than saying “Man” and “Woman”.

It’s no mistake that both cells and streets are marked out in blocks.

Welcome to the minimum security lock up.

Don’t ask how we can fit into this society, but instead how we might destroy it.

Trans catgirls are not only valid but the only revolutionary class.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!