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5th Degree Proud Boy: Get ID'd and beaten up by teens you were trying to infiltrate then step in dog shit.

The best defense against abusers is to become an anti-abuser and to break up the systems of exploitation they depend on wherever you encounter them. This means thinking on your feet and being willing to question what others accept at face value.

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Everything else aside, you can familiarize yourself with abuse tactics and position yourself against them wherever you see them. Read "Why Does He Do That" by Lundy Bancroft as a good primer.

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The more complicated and multi-layered the system, the more positions there are to be infiltrated by abusers.

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So I have some bad news: there's no system to stop abusers from taking control. Any system you invent can be hijacked by abusers because that's what abusers do-- hijack systems of security and position themselves between their victims and their victims' necessities.

There's so many trans people! Fucking gender insurrection now!

But I'm very comfortable with a Fantastical Womanhood constructed through my cultural conception of how gender operates in hyena communities.

Is that a little silly? Maybe. But it's also very fun and basically you're missing out.

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On the other hand if you construct weird gender based on your own desires that's going to probably be not only way more comfortable, but really cool.

I'm very uncomfortable with the idea of being considered a woman under the current system's standards of what Womanhood is.

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I obviously don't think performing gender makes someone bad, but I think if you're constructing that performance through society's standards of gender you're going to be miserable because those standards are meant to make you into a productive tool who polices others.

When XR burns the kids out I’m going to be off to the side in a trenchcoat and glasses handing out pamphlets on insurgent guerilla tactics.

What's really happening is that civilization has destabilized various of the natural processes it depends on and civilizational agents are trying to come up with a reason why that doesn't mean doom for all of us.

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Civilization hasn't overcome nature. There is no struggle between nature and civilization because in the first place nature would have to exist as something clearly delineated from civilization and in the second place nature would have to have some agency.

Derrick Jensen in EndCiv made it sound like DGR were going to go hard doing sabotage and actual social war against the forces of industry and civilization but like... they just tour colleges giving TERFy lectures and selling books.

Dem Soc: “Vote against the current government so we can get a new one to give us free healthcare and better wages.”

Leninist: “Revolt against the current government so we can get a new one to give us free healthcare and better wages.“

I used to hate my voice for not sounding “like a woman’s voice”, but then I realized I’m not impersonating anything. It’s literally my voice. Not “a man’s voice” or even a “nonbinary voice”, but the very specific voice that denotes me.

Plus, I sound sexy as fuck.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!