transphobia, enbyphobia, lefttube bullshit
Can someone tell me why literally usually big youtubers (especial white cishet ones) would quote Contrapoints like she's an absolute encyclopedia of transgender discussions despite there are literally tons of other trans, queer women online with much, much better opinions than quoting a literal truscum in the tweets they haven't deleted.
transphobia, enbyphobia, lefttube bullshit
Screenshot 1: Natalie(Contrapoints):
"I think what's actually going on here is fucking neoliberalism.This tweet by @theorygurl makes the interesting suggestion that non-conformity among trans people is perhaps insincerely vaunted as principled resistance to assimilation, when it is in fact often "wildly underfunded incompetence vis-à-vis the norm.""
transphobia, enbyphobia, lefttube bullshit
And just in case someone think I'm talking out of my ass: