
I've been worried about how angry I've been getting at work, but the reality is that I'm not just uselessly raging; I've been training other drivers and trying to fix tech issues with the radios, and collaborating with management to fix long-standing issues. It may be becoming a shittier job every day, but I've been working hard to forestall that inevitability.

I say all this because I've been down on myself a lot about being bitter and miserable, but the fact of the matter is I'm constantly pushing myself to better my situation. I hate vehicle maintenance and I was able to learn more than I ever wanted to know just to pass my CDL exam; it's something I didn't want to do with every fiber of my being, but I still got through it. Keeping that in mind, I can only imagine what I can accomplish of the things I actually *want* to do.

The fact of the matter stands that it's a faceless corporation that has screwed myself and the other drivers (some of whom have no other aspirations; this is literally their lifetime career and they're seeing massive pay cuts from the service change after working for the company for 20+ years); I'm going to enjoy watching them quit after the company pays for their CDL testing (only because the company can't force us to do training to keep our jobs and force us to pay for it as well)

Largely I can't wait to watch this company hemorrhage money in upper management's ill-concieved attempt to save money at the cost of customer experience and bottom-level employee's livelihood

They're poised to save 5,000$ a month on airport licensing fees, but once they lose the flight crew contracts and countless other formally loyal patrons as a direct result of destroying their drivers' livelihoods, their numbers are going to tank and upper management will lose their jobs. I can't fucking wait to watch the corporate equivalent of black mold get purged from the company.

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