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Can't believe Lan is being a mom and making me go to sleep at a reasonable hour

What is happening with the Google search bar when did they start doing this???????
It's animated and like, grows and spins a little before going back down

buny gf boosted

Any Illinois/Chicago peeps wanna hangout out with me and Lan?

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Can't wait to go to Chicago and get one of their famous Deep Dish Espresso

Ok, instead of Portland I'll probably be going to Chicago?

MatPat: Ultimate Trans Community Respecter

buny gf boosted

Google GDC 

Can't wait to accidentally launch a Stadia game on my mobile data and hit my data cap in 10 seconds

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Just yelling about MatPat now 

This wasn't even a full year ago. THIS was his response to being saying "hey this sucks" until a white dude told him about it

Google GDC, transphobia 

Remember when MatPat put out a viewer survey and a bunch of his viewers put in things like "attack helicopter" as their gender and spent a good minute highlighting all those answers?
Remember how after showing all that he broke down his viewership to essentially "male/female" anyway?
Remember how he got all defensive on Twitter after getting called out and backed down because some white dude said it was offensive instead of the dozens of trans folx?

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Google GDC 

"Imagine the endlessBreathing down their neck"

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Google GDC 

It wouldn't be a gaming event without a shitty gaming boy that fucking sucks but gets a pass for being a white guy

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Google GDC 

NortherLion playing BoI is like, 10 billion of those 50 billion hours of gaming

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Google GDC 

Oh shit YouTube Gaming is still a thing?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!