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buny gf boosted

Kati hasn’t seen EITHER of the two very special episodes of Fresh Prince so this is gonna be fun when those come up

buny gf boosted

When I lived in Gilroy and my dad worked in San Jose we would sometimes drive up to SJ and I remember seeing this giant mouse statue

buny gf boosted

Oi, friendlies.
Leave your snitchphone at home.

Put it in airplane mode, if you just really can't tear yourself away from it (or if it's your only way to document the protest-breakers).

Seriously, this like half a step away from enabling realtime targeting.

Protect yourself, protect the people you're fighting for.

Sadly I have to get ready for work so I won’t be able to try this out until tomorrow or Monday morning

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My Bripe is in quarantine it’s just sitting on a FedEx truck waiting to be delivered on Monday

Anarchy Reigns was an interesting game idea that was executed very “meh”-ly and sadly died out too quickly from not too many people actually playing it

buny gf boosted

tbh the only bad thing about Apple Maps is the fucking god damn Yelp integration because Yelp is so ducking awful
Like, not being able to just easily see reviews or photos of a place without it sending me to the App Store to try to download Yelp is absolutely awful

I’m expected to go FOUR MORE DAYS of work before I can hit that bripe???

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My bripe is in a city that’s barely 2 hours north from wear I live yet is still scheduled to be here on Monday pls FedEx pls give Bripe

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!