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PeerTube moderation / white supremacism mention 

A video maker from YouTube have opened his own instance.

videos . lukesmith . xyz

He have announced the creation of this instance because "so many of [his] favorites channels now have [been banned]" while showing one banned for hate speech.
After a quick search this channel was the one of the "American Renaissance" magazine, a white supremacist online publication.

While his YouTube channel seems to host mostly tech/linux related content he seems to use a lot of alt-right's illustrations on the thumbnails. I haven't watched any others videos than the one where he's talking about PeerTube so I don't know about the content.

He also said that he have put a lot of his YouTube videos in "private" recently to avoid been banned.

He said in this video that he will post PeerTube's exclusive videos that he can't post on YouTube because they would be banned.

He also said that he wants to fully use federation to not be isolated on his instance, I suggest that we don't allow him that !

Skinner just woke me up by licking the top of my head

buny gf boosted

always smooch your robot goddess is satisfied. for now.

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buny gf boosted

None of my coffee gear matches
My v60 is a soft pastel pink, my espresso robot is “retro green”, my electric kettle is “fog grey”, my stovetop kettle is a stone blue, and my two grinders are black

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YouTube just recommended me a 22 hour long video of someone reading all the Lovecraft stories that make up the Cthulhu Mythos

It’s a travesty that there isn’t a Metal Gear Rising remaster

buny gf boosted

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Getting a bit better at figuring out how much pressure I need to tamp coffee for my Robot

Claudio should do more Prize Fighter Inferno stuff

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buny gf boosted

She found a piece of pretzel and is now upset at me for taking it away

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!