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Sitting here giddy thinking about new coffee and how I should try brewing it first

New Mountain Goats isn’t until the end of October though T-T

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New IDLES and new Left at London out right now????
Let’s fucking goooooooo

buny gf boosted
buny gf boosted
buny gf boosted

What’s that? You didn’t trust Google with a cloud gaming system?
Well no fears, we have the perfect alternative! An AMAZON cloud gaming system!

buny gf boosted


Fraiser: Niles, good to see you.
Niles: Fraiser I have some bad news for you, it's about dad...
Fraiser: My god! Is he okay?
Niles: He's furious with you! He asked me to let you that it is "on sight", do you have any idea what that means?
Fraiser: On the site of what exactly?
Niles: I'm not sure, but he sounded very serious!

Whenever I see people use an aeropress with a glass vessel of some sort I get so dang nervous

buny gf boosted

emoji, inclusivity to a fault?, trans stuff 

One of the new emoji coming in 2021 is “person/man/woman with a beard”
On the one hand, I know a lot of people from all over the gender spectrum have beards and wear them proudly but as soon as I saw it my immediate thought was “oh boy an emoji for TERFs and transphobes to use as a new way to harass trans people 🙃”

buny gf boosted
buny gf boosted

okay I need more data points, if you have a cat who is not a black cat and who screams at you to eat whatever you're eating, please let me know

I think it may be that I just know a lot of people with black cats, too 🤔

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Fuck I love being an obsessive coffee nerd
It’s genuinely dope as heck and hella fun

God I love that Derek Yu took the critics of the damsel in the original Spelunky and instead of freaking out and lashing out at the criticism he decided to keep the whole “rescuing someone to get a kiss” but added in a hunk guy and a pug

Demi: Raise $50k to split between five charities for a new Sept 21 video next year
Internet: instructions unclear, we raised $50k for each charity

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!