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Ayy that coffee tasting was awesome
So glad I switched shifts with a coworker, I would have only gotten to the point of breaking the crust and maybe doing a single slurp of each

buny gf boosted

James Hoffmann tastes a bunch of coffee ASMR

buny gf boosted

upgrading to android 4.4 hopefully not for long hhhh

[extremely Morgana voice] “Wow Joker, we sure do love in a society!”

buny gf boosted
buny gf boosted

us pol, Covid-19 

Y’all I don’t wanna sleep tonight I don’t wanna miss anything holy fuck

buny gf boosted

COVID-19, us pol 

lmaoNzhakzndks holy shit
Like, every 10 minutes there’s a new update

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COVID-19, us pol 

lmao holy shit now he’s all of a sudden “developed a cough”??????
Come on he’s absolutely fucking a goner

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COVID-19, us pol 

How do you go from “totally asymptomatic” to “fever, fatigued, congested, cough”

COVID-19, us pol 

Essentially at this point I’m gonna assume Trump is dead until there’s a livestream of him talking to people

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COVID-19, us pol 

So I’m these 12 hours we went from “Trump is positive but has no symptoms” now to “low-grade fever” and “fatigued but in good spirits” and is now apparently getting weird untested experimental medications?
Motherfucker is gonna die in a week

Donate to my Patreon so I can buy the giant 12ft tall Home Depot skeleton and make this a reality

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!