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us pol 

It’s gonna start soon

Good lord rtj4 came out this year it feels like forever ago

I never had a 3rd gen iPod when I was younger and it’s still so weird to use one that doesn’t have buttons right there with the click wheel (or any real buttons for that matter)

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Has anyone else on iOS been getting this in Google apps that want to open an external link?
No matter how many times I make sure the setting is off after a few days it pops up AGAIN

Hades game 

So like, is it general consensus that Poseidon has the worst boons because like, they’re all so bad?


Big ups to Gordon Ramsay for showing me the best way to make eggs for breakfast

I think my album of the year is Songs for Pierre Chuvin by the Mountain Goats
Even after a lot of greta albums have come out I keep coming back to this one it’s so beautiful

Ah yes, the seasonal coffees from Onyx are all named after normal holiday themed stuff.
We have one called Family, one called Krampus, and of course, who could forget GUATEMALA SAN ANTONIO CHAGUITE

I finally started playing Hades and damn it’s good y’all

Ok this is a long shot BUT
Does anyone have the video of the No More Heroes boss voice saying “Charles Entertainment Cheese” please I need to hear it again

Travis better be obsessed with Vtubers in NMH3
He’s 100% blown all his assassin money on super chats

Like I definitely want to play them again but also I’m for sure gonna wait a bit because maybe there will be a physical release?

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I have so many games I need to finish but my mind is just “I should get No More Heroes 1 + 2 on Switch and play through those again IMMEDIATELY”

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!