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us election 

Honestly though, fucking congrats to every in Georgia and Pennsylvania working their butts off that led to getting this done
Absolute fucking legends all of them

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I was gonna try to go back to sleep but lmao nope not right now not with all this happening

us pol 

YES, YES, the gap in Georgia is down to 2.5k and the one in PA is down to 51k

us pol 

Can’t wait for the election to go to the Supreme Court and reveal Jeb! was the real winner all along

us pol 

lmao while trump was whining the gap in Georgia shrunk to about 3.6k votes with about 20k left
Georgia gonna go blue yeehaw


iPhone 12 hot take 

With how similar the regular 12 and 12 pro are Apple should have just gotten rid of the regular pro altogether and the lineup should be 12 Pro mini, 12, 12 Pro Max
Just make the best of the best tiny phone and large phone, and just leave the middle size for the rest, like how the 11 pro/Xs - 11/Xr - 11 pro max/Xs max was before

Simpsons marathon idea: marathon all the episodes iconic memes are from

us pol 

God I bet trump is absolutely furious that Fox is projecting a Biden win

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us pol 

With places calling MI and WI for Biden is now all but guaranteed he has 270
There’s still gonna be a bunch of court battles I’m sure but we’ll have to see
The fucker needs to just stop being “nice” and publicly declare he legally got to 270 and there’s nothing the courts can do about it now

This little friend is chilling outside my bedroom pecking at the window

Planet of the Apes: The Musical may be the greatest Simpsons bit ever

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!