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Gosh I wanna curl up in a big fluffy skunk tail

900 grams of coffee is too much coffee in the morning for one person


Alright, getting used to pouring lattes in bigger cups
At Chromatic we only had up to 12oz but here at Sbux we have 12/16/20oz hot cups and most reserve drinks are in 16/20oz so it’s been difficult trying to get the right pour going into a cup that’s way bigger than I’m used to

Paul Blart and Ted Lasso are two sides of the same coin

I forgot my water in the kitchen and now with this I can’t go get it

describing coffee with food 

It’s like
Guava juice with an aftertaste of strawberry milk and a tiny bit of milk chocolate sweetness at the end
It’s an absolutely wild ride and it’s delicious

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!