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Ya ever just feel like a chil zoned out Samus plushie?

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hello!!!!!!my name is eviebuny!!!! i'm veryvery cute girl!!!!!

The amount of times phone makers have tried making “WOW 3D SCREEN” is hilarious

This meatloaf bit from Home Movies at the start of this little bump is one of my favorite jokes in the whole series

GOOOOOOOD can’t wait for little gremlin art
Commission has been paid so just hhhhhhhhhhh

I don’t work tomorrow so I’m gonna flirt with SO MANY CUTIES tonight and tomorrow

Fucked up that the worst episode each season is now the treehouse of horror eps

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Frankenstein’s Monster as Spongebob is sending me I don’t know why

This is probably the best the show has been since like, season 11 or so

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Also, not gonna lie, season 20 isn’t super bad so far

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So it seems like I’m Simpsons season 20 they finally stopped Homer hating Marge and made him back into a massive wife guy and I’m 100% here for it

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!