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There’s gonna be a Willy Wonka origin story movie which sounds very 😬😬😬😬😬 BUT it’s gonna be directed by the guy that directed Paddington 1 and 2 so I guess I have to watch it

Happy birthday me!
Also I guess happy birthday to Dolly Parton or whatever

i’m the oldest one in the polycule discord by a few months so i’m gonna be a MILF tomorrow

Made some decent cleaning progress today


Oof got halfway through my whiskey and wow woweie I’m sleepy

God I’m exhausted, but at least I have all next week off from work

I might actually do this after work
Bill would be Tallahassee that’s like not even a question

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King of the Hill characters as the Mountain Goats albums, a thread:

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Hank Hill would see the Mountain Goats album All Hail West Texas, give it a try, and would initially enjoy the opening acoustic guitar in the song “The Best Ever Death Metal Band in Denton” and then turn it off the whole album by the end of the song

Trying to blow out cheap bundled in nugget headphones with a Chord Mojo at max volume - ASMR

Skinner is being a gremlin
Too bad for her it’s bed time

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!