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I’m probably gonna watch Juice League on Monday

Simpsons did a drag queen episode 11 years after KOTH and koth did it without having the fracking queen on

Anyway I’ve been listing to Godspeed like nonstop the last few days I’m so ready for the new album

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Convinced my shift lead to play Lift Your Skinny Fists while we did our closing stuff at work tonight lmao

Seasons 1 - 10 = Good, rewatch worthy
Seasons 11 - the movie = N O
Seasons like, 18/19+ = settled in to a steady “Yeah that’s pretty mediocre but fine I guess”

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These are the episodes we’ve skipped so far:
• The episode where snowball 2 dies and you have to watch like 4 other cats die until they just settle on a new Snowball 2
• The Elon Musk episode
• the episode where Burns goes to Yale and there’s a like 3 minute rant about how everything is “ToO pC nOw”

3 out of 640 isn’t bad

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Alright, Simpsons season 30 let’s do this

lmao it was INSTANT I hit send tweet and it happened didn’t even get a chance to tweet it

food hot take 

Pie is like, the absolute worst type of dessert do not @ me

Come on now Bandai are you fucking me here with these stickers? Those was no other way to do this?

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I think this is the most excited I’ve been for an album in a while tbh

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US politics 

I don’t wanna fall into that “wow politics are back to normal everything is good now” trap but like
It is SURREAL to listen to a presidential address and it just sounds like a person talking????

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!