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w w w dot movie wiener or winner dot com

There has not been a single time where I’ve listened to I Know The End and NOT had my eyes at minimum start to water a bit

Phoebe Bridgers + Godspeed You! Black Emperor collab when

Whenever Akechi’s not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, "Where's Akechi?”

Persona 5 Royal 

Akechi is literally the best character in this game

Covid shitpost 

Yeehaw y’all, got my second dose for my 5g sissy soy femboy catgirl microchip

Absolutely vibrating getting excited to go get my second shot in an hour

Also anyone want a download code for this album?
I have the CD and already had a digital copy and the vinyl came with a download code so I don’t need it

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“Pogged out of my mind” is just gamer ahegao

Life Will Change still gets me so fucking hyped like
One of the video game songs that every time it comes on in P5R I’m just like “alright let’s fucking do this”

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!