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buny gf boosted

son: this Something Awful site is great dad

dad: it is indeed son

son: who made it?

dad: no one. it came from space

buny gf boosted

announcing my new game, animal crossing but the trees become translucent when you're standing behind them

it's animal crossing but the trees become translucent when you're standing behind them

buny gf boosted

Sohla and Hunzi should just start their own YouTube channel, fuck it

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buny gf boosted
buny gf boosted
buny gf boosted

maple is busily doodling up squobits in wrestling outfits

Will Smith should bring back doing themes for his movies

buny gf boosted

duke nukem reboot but she's a barista/alchemist

buny gf boosted

Remember how Mark Wahlberg could have stopped 9/11?

buny gf boosted

COVID-19, blm protests, + 

While this is INCREDIBLY GOOD NEWS, there are definitely a lot of factors.
The protests were outside, its generally been sunny the last month, AND damn near EVERYONE was wearing masks
Definitely not indication to open everything up of course

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!