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buny gf boosted
buny gf boosted

I woke up at 6:30 and now I’m just awake

lmao someone is selling one in pretty not the best condition for $195 and there are handfuls going for like $50 to $75 that look way better and have the box and all the accessories

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I absolutely love how the 3rd gen iPod looks it’s so weird

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Like, with all the box and cables and everything

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Wow there are some really cheap 3rd gen iPods on eBay 👀👀👀

Ya ever just get the urge to watch Paddington 2?


Kati just made some dalgona coffee and folks it ain’t that good
Way too sweet yet also way too bitter at the same time?????

buny gf boosted

It’s like she started to get up, said “naw it’s too hot” as just melted

Damn someone is selling an iPod hifi on eBay for $135

Was this a later addition? I don’t think I ever saw/heard ANYONE mention this when it came out and everyone said the ONLY way to charge it is by plugging it into an iPad

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How did I not notice this little fucker that came with the Apple Pencil???

The Verge, BLM 

Good GOD I’m so fucking glad they kicked Paul Miller off the Verge + Vergecast before all the BLM protests started because god damn I probably would have stopped listening because it’s like 100% positive he would have spewed some bullshit

Apple trackpads that don’t physically move are still fucking wild feeling to me

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!