IRL selfie. 

Dumbass loser doesn't know )(ow to put on lipstick.

Also forgets t)(eir glasses.

Sketchbook drawings (monsters), traditional art. 

Felt like posting a bit of my sketc)(book art. I like monsters, can you tell.

Weight talk, positive. 

My body type is basically t)(is, but more square.

SFW furry art. 

A little bitter I couldn't find a better-sized background, boat o)( w)(ale!

NSFW warning??? 

I took t)(at seme uke quiz and got t)(is.

Not entirely inaccurate.

SFW furry PDA art. 

Sometimes I gotta draw me and @Erifin cuddling because I'm like t)(at.

SFW furry artwork. Warning for spooky deep sea stuff! 

You've gone too deep.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!