I'm going to move to @fuchsia becraws t)(is account lags my browser out pike nofin else.

-Erisolfef is t)(e ultimate s)(ip and t)(e very best s)(ip, and t)(at's t)(e tea! 🍡

7 Incredible Tips For Using Soy Sauce To Fight The Undead Returning From The Grave

@gardenHarley@trollian.space T)(ank you, I am indeed very powerful.

@gardenHarley@trollian.space I t)(oug)(t t)(is was aboat me at first, boat t)(en I reelized none of you know me by Ripley.

And yes, it is an Alien reference.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!