@vriskaleijon Yea)(, t)(at's a good plan for now!! Stay safe my friend, your )(ealt)( is important!!!!
@vriskaleijon O)( dang, yea)( I know )(ow t)(at feels. I )(ave to actively fig)(t against going nocturnal because it's so easy for me to do!
@vriskaleijon I )(ope you slept good as well!!!!! 38D
@vriskaleijon I did!!!! I dunno w)(at I dreamed of, but t)(at's better t)(an nig)(tmares!!!
[You hear a loud, visceral, almost grotesque chugging of fluid emit from my room. Oddly curious, you cautiously walk towards my room and very slowly and silently open the door. You see me drinking out of a full sized vase, juice pouring onto my face and the floor. The vase is simply labelled "Love My Tootuals Juice". After a few seconds of disturbed but not surprised staring, you slowly creak the door shut and leave.]
@hairynoodlelegs Yea)(, I s)(ould be able to do t)(at easy wit)( my interview tomorrow. And )(opefully I can get a refill too.
@hairynoodlelegs Y-ES, very true. I must make t)(is edit now.
Feferi || 18 || they/them/their
β€οΈ @Erifin β€οΈ
β€οΈ @thorton β€οΈ
π¦ Token Horrorcutie π¦
RP, Kin, and furry mixture
Legendary Scary
π Notable Miranda kin! π