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I also broug)(t in my giant isopod plus)(ie as a pillow.


I know in )(ig)(sc)(ool I became known as t)(e person w)(o would gladly bring a pillow and blankets to class to sleep.

)(ow t)(e teac)(ers still liked me, I )(ave no idea.

Reclaiming witch hunt as a term for when I chase my girlfriend through the woods for sport.

I need to write on my fic, but t)(at takes effort and stuff.

Lizard time. 



Positive vent. 

Me: [Growing as a person, becoming more c)(ill and better in every way]
My ex: [Still wis)(ing deat)( on anyone t)(ey dislike slig)(tly]

the xenomorph, up close, open mouth and everything 

hello there beautiful

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Like my mental state is actually good and not just in a manic or depressed state? Like )(oly fuck. I'm now)(ere near as bad as I was t)(en.

Just got contacted by an old irl sc)(ool friend and like..... Damn, I'm doing so muc)( better t)(an back t)(en.

IRL selfie. 

Dumbass loser doesn't know )(ow to put on lipstick.

Also forgets t)(eir glasses.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!